We are the co-creators of a new timeline.
If beings find comfort in fallen angelic culture then they themselves will never seek to break out of the cage/prison they’re in. ⠀
Just as animals are forced into zoos where they are taken from their natural environments + their own birthright as wild animals, you as well are put in a zoo in metaphysical/physical/emotional/financial, etc. terms where negative beings will observe and laugh at and celebrate your demise as you fall deeper into deceit. ⠀
Nothing could be more important than researching, analyzing, attuning the self within all layers of being, aligning with the centered still-point within that will overtime be refined and in balance the more you learn of its operational system, clearing the vessel/emotional body/mental body/energy bodies of any impurities or parasites; activating the seed codes within of the fearless being. ⠀
When one frees themselves one assist in the downfall and breaking of this inverted system. ⠀
Even with so many still led by indoctrination, look at how many are no longer. How many are choosing faith above fear-mongering, choosing to question all and do one’s personal due diligence, choosing to feel the flame within them being sparked. ⠀
The great awakening within and throughout has so many layers that have been unfolding and continue to be illuminated through these last years up until the present moment of now and will continue to as time goes on, further disclosure manifests, the earth’s frequency field heightens.