Gayatri — the Prime Force of the Universe HOW?
“Brahma conceived the Gayatri mantra consisting of 24 letters before he created the world. Each letter in this mantra has a great potential force, which when released, branches off into the four Vedas with their sub-branches is hidden in its seed. After sprouting, the mantra takes the form of the four Vedas. Science of language “was born of the 14 sounds. With these 14 sounds vibrated and emanated when Lord Shiva, in his happier mood, played on his favorite ‘damaru.
With these 14 sounds (the sutras) as the basis, Panini, the greatest grammarian, wrote his Astadhyayi ( Maha Vyakarana), the greatest and the most important compilation on Sanskrit grammar. “all literature in various forms is the outcome of the 24 letters of Gayatri mantra only.
While the Gayatri mantra is the sutra or source, the compilations with their branches and sub-branches are its extensive commentaries. “tat’ — tapini — fruitfulness ‘sa’ — saphalata — valor ‘vi’ — visshwa — perseverance”
“tur’ — tushti — welfare
‘va’ — varada — yoga
‘re’ — revati — love
‘ni’ — sukshma — wealth
‘yam’ — jnana — lustre
‘bhar’ — bharga — protection”
“go’ — gomati — wisdom
‘de’ — devika — subjugation
‘va’ — varahi — allegiance
‘sya’ — simhani — determination
‘dhi’ — dhyana — life
‘ma’ — maryada — time
‘hi’ — sphutaa — penance ‘
dhi’ — medha — forecast”
“yo’ — yogamaya — alertness
‘yo’ — yogini — production
‘nah’ — dhanin — protection
‘pra’ — prabhava — idealism
‘cho’ — ushma — adventure
‘da’ — drishya — discrimination
‘yat’ — niranjana — service.
The science of mantra says that whatever sound comes out from the mouth is the outcome of the interaction of various organs such as the wind-pipe, the tongue, the teeth, the lips etc. The different organs or parts of the mouth are interconnected with the various parts of the body through tubular organs known as nadi. “In those areas of the body wherever the nadis are (the six Chakras are related to the sushumna nadi) there are lots of ganglia (granthis), and the effect of vibrations of different parts of the mouth “have a pressuring effect on these ganglia. If one’s talk is defective, it means that some of the ganglia are not functioning properly or effectively. Our body contains many ganglia of different sizes, some are seen and some of which are not seen. The spiritualists know what power is contained in each of the ganglia. The various sounds produced through the organs of the mouth have their effect on these ganglia; they cause the ganglia to activate and discharge their stored power.
“When the Ganglia are activated they energize the power that yields the right kind of knowledge. The repetition, recitation or japa of Gayatri mantra produces notes which mingle with similar sounds existing in Nature or Prakriti. This is what one achieves from Gayatri sadhana.
Source- the mantra book