Unless we respect and value our body — our home — how can we love ourselves fully?
How can we actually feel empowered when we constantly feel like we need to “fix” our looks?
Self-love starts in our mind.
It has nothing to do with how we look.
It is all about how we see ourselves.
Self-worth, confidence, and self-acceptance cannot be embodied when we’re at war with our bodies.
We are so much more than just their bodies. But still, it’s the negative body image we need to overcome in order to truly make friends with ourselves and step into our sovereignty.
Everyone is beautiful no matter its shape & posture.
give yourself permission to look “imperfect”. give yourself permission to LOVE your “imperfect” look. Give yourself permission to rewrite the definition of what is “perfect” and what is not.
Your body is perfect as it is. It doesn’t need to be changed to look better. it already looks just right, from all angles.
Stop telling women/men what their bodies are supposed to look like.
stop reducing one to their bodies.
stop drawing conclusions from the condition of someone’s skin, their choice to grow body hair, or the way they dress.
stop telling one what is “ladylike” or “manlike” and what is not.
just stop.
Instead, take a moment to appreciate your body, thank your body— it does so much for us every day.
We are so much more than our skin and flesh.
Connect to your soul and remember we are all human — and so much more than just this body!
Let’s rise above this body. ❤